

    [ IFC, 2007-09-17 ]

      环境和社会的审阅概要 - 草案               


    概述IFC 的审阅范围 本项目审阅包括了对技术、环境、健康、安全,以及2007 年4 月和7 月由凯发k8旗舰厅集团提交和实地走访形成的社会信息所进行的评价工作。环境和社会(E&S)尽职调查团队参观了凯发k8旗舰厅集团在张家港和苏州的新老厂区。E&S 团队和凯发k8旗舰厅管理团队、苏州工业投资和发展公司(SGT) - 凯发k8旗舰厅集团旧厂区土地拥有者,以及苏州、张家港当地的环保部门举行了数次会议。E&S 尽职调查团队还会见了一些从新厂区厂址搬迁出去的居民。 项目介绍 江苏凯发k8旗舰厅集团有限公司("凯发k8旗舰厅集团"),坐落于江苏省苏州市,是一家成立于1956 年的国有企业,并于90 年代后期发展成为区域内的主要化工企业。2003 年,凯发k8旗舰厅集团依照苏州市政府的国企改制计划,经历了一个重组和私有化过程,使国有资产改制成为私有资产。如今,凯发k8旗舰厅集团是长三角地区生产氯碱、精细化工和农药产品的领先企业之一。 江苏凯发k8旗舰厅集团张家港有限公司(“凯发k8旗舰厅张家港公司”)是遵循政府关于城区内化企业搬迁到化工园区的指示,由凯发k8旗舰厅集团投资控股而成立的一家子公司。设立于2005 年的凯发k8旗舰厅张家港公司,一方面运营着凯发k8旗舰厅集团现有的精细化工及氯碱生产设施,一方面进一步扩大产能,其发展目标是成为区域内产能最大的氯碱和精制化工产品生产企业之一。 确认可适用的执行标准 • 执行标准1、社会与环境评估以及管理系统 • 执行标准2、劳动与工作状况 • 执行标准3、污染的预防和根除 • 执行标准4、社区健康,安全和保安 • 执行标准5、土地获取以及原居民的重新安置本项目及其周围区域是中国发生变迁最大及发展建设最快的区域之一。该区域及其周边没有受保护的品种或保护区,也没有土著人居住。本项目没有对文化遗产造成任何影响。 环境与社会分类的依据 依照IFC 的环境和社会审阅程序,这是一个B 类项目,因为仅是有限的且在特定环境下的社会影响问题,依照通常的执行准则、指导方针或设计标准就可以避免或减轻影响。 投资项目主要包括将旧的化工基地搬迁到新规划的坐落于化学工业园区的新址,该区域原住居民动迁没有大的遗留问题。如果旧址的污染被确认,土地所有者会在旧址的再次开发前进行污染处理,项目公司不对潜在的污染负法律责任, 但同意对污染处理提供技术协助。减轻对环境和社会潜在影响的措施已经确认,已体现在环境和社会实施计划(ESAP)的附件中。主要的环境和社会议题及解决方案介绍 本项目的主要环境和社会议题包括如下: - 旧厂区的可能裁员 - 危险制造流程的职业健康及安全 - 危险化学品可能向新厂区外释放 - 废水排放及气体散发 - 老厂区再开发的潜在土壤恢复及补救整治 - 危险与紧急响应演练 - 土地获取与原住居民安置凯发k8旗舰厅已提供致力于这些影响的计划以保证投资项目在执行已认可的测量标准时,将符合环境和社会要求,遵从中国的法律和法规,符合IFC 的环境和社会执行标准以及世界银行(WBG)的环境,健康和安全指导。有关凯发k8旗舰厅如何致力于这些潜在影响的具体细节,将在如下章节中总结,更进一步的信息将在IFC 和凯发k8旗舰厅已同意的ESAP 附件中提供,目的是缩小与IFC 要求的差异。 1. 社会与环境评估及管理系统 土地和自然环境:凯发k8旗舰厅现有生产厂区的面积大约是41 万平方米,位于上海以西约100 公里,大运河流经的苏州市郊外,周边有其他工业及不同的社区。凯发k8旗舰厅并不拥有旧厂区的土地权,该土地是由苏州工业投资和发展公司(SGT)拥有。凯发k8旗舰厅拥有74.6 万平方米新厂区的土地权,新厂区位于已规划的张家港化学工业园区内,在苏州以北约65 公里处。凯发k8旗舰厅计划于 2007 年底之前将所有的氯碱及精细化工生产业务搬迁至张家港新厂区。新厂址以前是混杂着的乡村住宅及农田,目前这些乡村住宅或农田已不复存在,但工业园区内仍然有约160 栋民居,计划在2007 年底之前全部搬迁完毕。在此之后,最近邻的社区将位于凯发k8旗舰厅新厂区东边约一公里处。依照不同的环境影响评估,新厂区的周边没有自然保护区或受保护的生态品种。在张家港工业园区内及邻近处均有废料处理设施,园区内一家工业废水处理厂、一家持有许可,用多层非渗透衬垫和沥出物收集技术系统的有害废物垃圾掩埋场,及一座持有许可的工业废物焚烧装置。环境和社会的评估:依照中国的法规和要求,凯发k8旗舰厅聘请了外部顾问对新厂区的不同项目进行了环境影响评估(EIAs)。在IFC 的要求下,凯发k8旗舰厅还聘请了外部顾问对新厂区的这些项目进行了累积性影响评估(CIA)。EIAs(环境影响评估)和CIA(累积影响评估)指出,适当地采纳所建议的解决措施,凯发k8旗舰厅 生产经营不会给周边环境造成重大影响,将符合地方监管机构及世界银行和国际金融公司 (WBG/IFC)的要求。如ESAP(环境和社会实施计划)所指出,凯发k8旗舰厅未来的可行项目将符合中国的监 管要求及IFC 的执行标准。 环境、健康及安全(EHS)管理和组织:凯发k8旗舰厅在苏州的现有厂区已通过了ISO 9000、ISO 14001 及 OHSAS 18001 认证。在申请这些认证时,凯发k8旗舰厅已逐步地建立了环境、健康及安全(EHS)管理系统, 凯发k8旗舰厅的环境、健康及安全(EHS)系统管理非常有效,管理层清楚地了解环境、健康及安全(EHS)的执 行情况以及潜在的危险。凯发k8旗舰厅计划在2007 年后期为新厂区申请ISO 9000、ISO 14001 及OHSAS 18001 的认证。 培训、监测及报告:凯发k8旗舰厅设立了一个程序,为所有执行环境、健康及安全(EHS)的员工提供必需的 与生产操作相关的培训,包括新员工的培训和月度进修课程。凯发k8旗舰厅在生产操作中进行常规的环境、 健康及安全(EHS)监测,保存执行记录,并通过内在报告机制传递这些数据。地方环保局透露他们的监测数据收集来自于凯发k8旗舰厅。2. 劳动及工作条件 人力资源政策与管理: 凯发k8旗舰厅的人力资源和人事管理部对所有员工负责,包括健康,安全和培 训的管理,并根据公司所制定的政策,程序和标准进行操作,所有员工都获取包括这些程序摘 要的小册子,员工有权知道自己的职业记录、雇佣情况、职业培训和职业发展计划,这些会在每年总结的基础上更新。目前,新厂区共有459 名员工,计划最终达到700~800 名员工。 工作条件:在老厂区,员工如果在10 年内达到法定退休年龄的,企业与其的劳务合同签到退休。在新厂区的新雇佣条件下,工人根据其工作绩效和工作实用性签订1~3 年的劳务合同,所有员工保持每周40 小时的工作标准,加班工作少见且只是在紧急需要时发生。员工加班将获得轮休或现金补贴,员工薪酬为底薪加奖金,公司最低工资至少超过政府所要求最低工资的50%。 工人组织: 凯发k8旗舰厅设有代表着约90%员工的工会组织,根据政府劳动条款,有9 位员工被当选为任期5 年的工会代表。工会主要关心职业健康问题并向员工提供帮助,工会运营着一个投诉机制以帮助解决员工的抱怨,并与凯发k8旗舰厅管理层商讨解决抱怨的方案。 非歧视和平等机会: 没有男女工人间工资差异歧视。所有员工中男女工人的比例2:1。没有童工或强迫性劳工。在新厂区,选择员工时对从附近社区和从新厂址搬迁出去的家庭给予优先选择。员工的削减: 生产基地搬迁到新址将引发一些裁员,在多种情况下,新厂区的运营需要不同的技能,而许多员工又不愿搬迁或每天承受额外距离的交通。凯发k8旗舰厅有一个适当的计划来实现裁员并减少对现有员工的不利影响,这是在与苏州市政府社会福利部门的紧密配合下得以实施的。苏州地区的就业率比较高,因为工人不愿转到新厂区工作而难以找到替代工作的情况极少见到。根据ESAP,凯发k8旗舰厅将监控裁员过程,并给予残弱员工特别的照顾。职业健康与安全(OHS): 凯发k8旗舰厅非常重视操作安全,有非常有效的职业健康和安全(OHS)程序 并在每一个岗位上配备足够的个人防护设备(PPE)。凯发k8旗舰厅将评审并针对一些岗位提升其职业健 康和安全(OHS)程序以便更好的保护员工,凯发k8旗舰厅还将严格地执行这些程序,特别是在生产期间 的个人防护设备(PPE)程序。凯发k8旗舰厅为其员工设置了月度进修课程及日常职业健康与安全(OHS)培训计划。安全意识对管理层和操作者来讲是最为关心的,自凯发k8旗舰厅改制以来还未发生过任何致命的或严重的事故。反映车间状况的监控数据符合当地的法规要求及好的国际工业惯例。如ESAP 所要求的一样,凯发k8旗舰厅将评估/修改其OHS 程序以便更好地保护员工,并开始编辑更为严格的OHS 事故统计数据。3. 污染防治及消除 原材料及资源消耗:凯发k8旗舰厅张家港公司主要消耗的原材料包括水(每年266 万吨),海盐(每年200,000 吨),电石(每年150,000 吨),苯(每年20,000 吨),硫磺(每年120,000 吨),黄磷(每年7,000 吨),苯酚(每年5,000 吨),煤(173,000 吨)。水是由附近的河道里抽取,凯发k8旗舰厅张家港计划建造两个25MW 的热电厂来供电和蒸汽,其硫酸厂也能够提供12MW 的供电。目前,凯发k8旗舰厅张家港每年还从网上购电40,000 mwh,这些电主要来自当地以煤为燃料的火力发电厂。凯发k8旗舰厅已在实施周期性能源效率审计并形成了公司长远的节能/节水计划,这是由管理层密切监控并以每年实现几个目标而得以完成。对环保的执行: 凯发k8旗舰厅每天产生约300 立方米的废水,经过工厂内的初级处理后统一排放到工业园区的废水处理厂。所有流入污水处理厂的监控参数都需符合污水处理厂的要求。凯发k8旗舰厅将监控排放的可吸附有机卤化物(AOX),如果AOX 超过世界银行/国际金融公司的标准限制,将采取适当的措施来减少AOX 浓度,以避免对污水处理厂正常操作的影响。从电厂和其他过程的排放气体监控数据都需达到规定的要求以及世界银行/国际金融公司的指导标准。环境噪音和空气质量水准达到当地的规定要求以及世界银行/国际金融公司的指导标准,并符合国际工业标准。根据ESAP,凯发k8旗舰厅将开始监控从自有电厂排放的NOx(氮化物),如果超出当地的规定要求或世界银行/国际金融公司的指导标准中的任何一个,凯发k8旗舰厅将采取有效的行动以减少NOx 的浓度。固体和危险废物: 凯发k8旗舰厅所产生的日常固态废物是由当地合同方接收,凯发k8旗舰厅自生产流程所产生的工业固态废物包括:电石渣(每年158,000 吨),煤渣(每年28,000 吨),盐坭(每年2,000 吨)等等。电石渣和煤渣出售给建筑材料制造厂,盐坭或是经船运到有许可的掩埋地做掩埋处理,或与电石渣一起销售给建材制造商。工厂内产生的主要危险废物包括废催化剂,蒸馏釜残液,废硫磺渣,以及废磷渣。废催化剂可被生产商回收,蒸馏釜残液卖给一家获批准的回收厂家做下一步处理。废硫磺渣和废磷渣送到有资质的工业废弃物焚烧炉处理。危险材料和操作危险: 凯发k8旗舰厅的原材料,中间产品和由危险材料制成的产品,在生产,储存,处理以及运输这些材料时可能会给员工和附近社区造成严重的危害。凯发k8旗舰厅已经对新厂其所有安全流程和设备进行了评估,自动监控和报警系统都已经安装在所有危险气体的监控点,以及所有的物业上都安装了自动监控传感器。凯发k8旗舰厅聘请外部专家来对其工程师进行危险可操作性的研究培训。所有定性和定量危险的可操作性研究的都由有其工程师和外部专家准备,凯发k8旗舰厅没有地下储存罐。凯发k8旗舰厅所有的地上储存罐都达到良好的国际行业操作的要求。凯发k8旗舰厅与外部顾问签订合同每年对其环境、健康、安全系统进行审计。如同在ESAP 中表明的那样,凯发k8旗舰厅将实施在所有新厂投入运营之后的6 个月内进行一次全面的环境,健康和安全审计。消防和应急预案(ER): 凯发k8旗舰厅在其厂区内有适当的消防设备并进行正常的维护。凯发k8旗舰厅有全职的消防队,同时也负责安全设备的维护和安全操作检查。外部消防车和急救车到达厂区只要5~10 分钟。凯发k8旗舰厅执行日常的消防和潜在的化学泄露/释放演练,包括邀请当地的消防队及社区进行联合演练。根据ESAP,凯发k8旗舰厅将向当地医院提供材料安全数据表(MSDS)以及邀请医院参加紧急预案(ER)联合演练。温室气体:凯发k8旗舰厅每年约产生相当于730,000 吨的二氧化碳温室气体,这些均来自电厂和从网上的外购电。凯发k8旗舰厅定期性地执行能源效率审计,并且通过计划和程序来减少能源消耗,最终减少温室气体的排放。老厂区的潜在补救和重新开发: 凯发k8旗舰厅老厂区的土地所有者,苏州工投公司,是老厂区的潜在补救和重新开发的唯一责任人。根据EASP,凯发k8旗舰厅将根据苏州工投的要求,在潜在补救期间为其提供必要的背景信息,凯发k8旗舰厅也将聘请在土壤/地下水补救和重新开发方面有经验的顾问帮助苏州工投公司评估其潜在补救计划和土地重新开发计划,并提供有价值的最大化补救效力和使基于将来用途的重新开发土地的潜在残余污染的影响减到最小。该经验丰富的顾问也将向当地环境保护局和当地环境顾问提供补救和重新发展方面的培训。VCM生产: 凯发k8旗舰厅采用电石法/乙炔法生产VCM(氯乙烯单体),乙炔法生产VCM不产生二氧(杂)芑/ 呋喃。凯发k8旗舰厅从中国西部购买电石。如在ESAP里表明的那样,凯发k8旗舰厅将在其采购标准里包括能源效率和环境保护控制。如有可能,凯发k8旗舰厅将只从符合中国环保要求的电石生产厂家购买电石。 4. 公共健康,安全和保护 公共健康,安全与保护: 在工业园区内现在仍然有160 家分散的住户,基本都在凯发k8旗舰厅张家港公司的北部方向。这些住户将在2007 年底前搬迁完。由于该化工园区的全面建成,最近的社区居民在距凯发k8旗舰厅张家港往东1 公里处,凯发k8旗舰厅张家港公司的日常运营并没有对附近社区带来明显的影响,当然,在一种极端的可能性下(如大规模的氯泄露),就会明显地影响到这些社区。主要的原材料和产品用驳船和卡车运输,为了保护水环境,凯发k8旗舰厅在该地区只用运河水系运输无危险性的原材料和产品。这里的路况条件良好。但在公路的几个区段穿过社区,这将在发生严重事故时增加对社区的风险影响。紧急预案及响应: 凯发k8旗舰厅有有用的紧急预案及响应计划并且对消防进行日常操练并与当地消防部门和社区一起在厂区内进行潜在的泄漏和释放的操练。如在ESAP 中所示的一样,凯发k8旗舰厅将与当地消防部门,医院和社区,一起进行危险材料运输的离厂消防和紧急预案的演练,并向附近的社区提供必要的紧急预案及响应的培训。凯发k8旗舰厅只和有防御计划,接受安全驾驶记录,运输危险材料时有足够应急方案的运输公司签订运输合同。保安人员: 凯发k8旗舰厅为张家港生产区的安全雇佣了外部保安机构。安全人员日常执行大门处身份检查和安全监控。保安人员没有任何的武器。如有严重的安保问题,凯发k8旗舰厅将直接向当地警察局报告。5. 土地购买和非自愿重新安置 土地购买,重新安置及补偿: 总计大约150 户家庭从凯发k8旗舰厅集团新的生产厂址安置到邻近乐余镇的市郊。这次重新安置工作已在2006 年全部完成。该项工作是在张家港政府机构依据土地购买程序,并有向个人支付的记录,搬迁至乐余镇居住的生活质量要好于以前的农居房,这些家庭的设施和娱乐设备都有所改善。所使用的土地以前由混合的乡村民居和一部分农田组成,为迁移家庭和个人推出的全面补偿及福利方案包括:土地使用权补偿费;庄稼损失费;一次性付清的个人补偿(只限于45 岁以下男性和35岁以下女性);为45 岁以上男性和35 岁以上女性准备的定期生活补贴(包括对通货膨胀的补给);按每平方米500 元的居住用房的补贴;对弱势家庭和个人的额外补贴;由政府缴纳个人医疗保险。人们大部分保留他们原来的工作,并且大多数居住在他们工作所在地乐余镇的附近。大于45 岁的男性和大于35 岁的女性所得到的生活补贴比以前他们从耕作所得的收入要大得多(2-3 倍)。投诉机制: 投诉机制是土地并购和重新安置过程的一部分,这些家庭通过投诉机制投诉而没有很满意地解决问题时,可以寻求法院帮助,据报道这里只出现很少的投诉并且都没有通过寻求法律的帮助就已得到了解决。与一些搬迁户成员的会晤证实没预见到任何能够影响他们生活标准的问题, 他们的感觉是房子、设备和机会在新安置的位置更好。根据ESAP,凯发k8旗舰厅将在年度监控报告里包含土地并购过程和居民重新安置的相关信息,特别是为帮助脆弱的家庭重建他们的家和生活而采用的方案。客户的社区约定 凯发k8旗舰厅没有一个正式的社区发展计划,但正与当地政府一起商讨一些可行的方案。新厂区凯发k8旗舰厅的捐献有:乐余镇新的消防站(120 万元人民币 - 成本的10%);社区道路;乐余镇新的中学并且向中学的学生提供培训计划,凯发k8旗舰厅此外也从生产的热蒸汽中向工业园区内的其他工厂提供蒸汽,这是工业园区内集中供热减少排放的一个重要的措施,凯发k8旗舰厅还建立了帮助残疾人的计划(包括聋人);一个旨在帮助穷人的基金 (慈善贡献);一个为其员工子女而建立的奖学金教育基金。 凯发k8旗舰厅与当地社区进行不定期的交流,主要是通过当地镇政府。平均凯发k8旗舰厅与当地社区每月进行一次会晤,主要是关于应预案和健康及安全问题。任何抱怨和投诉都能够通过当地政府热线(12365),工业园区管理委员会,或直接提交给凯发k8旗舰厅。根据IFC 的要求,凯发k8旗舰厅在2007 年6 月召开了第一次正式的公共交流会议。按照ESAP 的规定,凯发k8旗舰厅将致力于执行一年一次的公共交流会议或在特别的情况下召开。根据IFC 的建议,凯发k8旗舰厅将在公司的网站披露一些其环境和社会的绩效信息。凯发k8旗舰厅将在其网站上披露这些文件的中文版。如需询问和关心该项目的环境和社会影响请与以下联系人联系。 许晋贤 江苏凯发k8旗舰厅集团 中国,苏州市南门路1 号,邮编:215007 电话:+86-512-6526-1605 转459 或 +86-512-5863-2115 传真: +86-512-6525-1980        Draft Environmental and Social Review Summary               Suhua (China) [26018] Overview of IFC Scope of Review: The review of this project consisted of appraising technical, environmental, health, safety and social information submitted by the project sponsor, and field visits in April 2007 and July 2007. The environmental and social (E&S) appraisal team visited both the old and new manufacturing sites of Suhua in Suzhou and Zhangjiagang, respectively in Jiangsu Province. The E&S team held meetings with the management team of Suhua, Suzhou Industrial Investment & Development Co. (SGT), the land owner of the old site, and the local environmental protection agencies in both Suzhou and Zhangjiagang. The E&S appraisal team also interviewed some residents who were relocated from the new site.Project Description: Jiangsu Suhua Group Co., Ltd. (the “Sponsor”), located in Suzhou city, Jiangsu province, was founded in 1956 as a state-owned enterprise, and became a key chemical company in the region in the late 1990s. In 2003, Suhua underwent a restructuring and privatization process, as per the local government’s privatization plans. This involved transferring its state-owned assets to private sector shareholders. Today, the Sponsor is one of the leading chlor-alkali, fine chemical and agrochemical producers in Yangtze River Delta area.Zhangjiagang Chemical Co., Ltd (“Suhua”), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Sponsor, was establishedunder a local government directive for relocating all the chemical plants operating in central residential areas to chemical industrial zones. Suhua was established in 2005 to receive and operate the existing fine chemical and chlor-alkali production facilities of Suhua, and to further expand its production capacity,aiming at becoming one of the largest producers in the region in terms of chlor-alkali and fine chemical capacities.Identified Applicable Performance Standards: • PS1: Social and Environmental Assessment and Management Systems • PS2: Labor and Working Conditions • PS3: Pollution Prevention and Abatement • PS4: Community Health, Safety and Security • PS5: Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement The project site and surrounding area are heavily modified and located in one of the most rapidly developing parts in China. There are no protected species or protected areas at or near the site. There are no indigenous people in the project area. The proposed project has no impacts to cultural heritage.E & S Categorization Rationale: This is a Category B project according to IFC’s Environmental and Social Review procedures because a limited number of specific environmental and social impacts may result which can be avoided or mitigated by adhering to generally recognized performance standards, guidelines or design criteria.The investment mainly involves relocation of an old chemical industry complex to a new site. The new site is located in a planned chemical industry park. The relocation of residents from the new site was handled well and there are no remaining outstanding issues. The old site is potentially contaminated. If the contamination is confirmed, the landowner for the old site will undertake emediation before redevelopment of the site. The client does not have legal liability for the potential contamination, but has agreed to provide technical assistance for the remediation. Mitigation measures for the potential environmental and social mpacts have been identified and are incorporated into an attached Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP).Description of Key Environmental and Social Issues and Mitigation: The key environmental and social issues for this project include the following: - Potential retrenchment for the employees at the old plant site - Occupational health and safety for the hazardous manufacturing process - Potential for release of hazardous chemicals outside the project boundary - Wastewater effluents and air emissions - Potential remediation and brownfield redevelopment of the old plant site - Operation hazard and emergency response - Land acquisition process and resettlementSuhua has presented plans to address these impacts to ensure that the proposed project will, upon implementation of the specific agreed measures, comply with the environmental and social requirements - the host country laws and regulations and the IFC Environment and Social Performance Standards and the World Bank Group (WBG) environmental, health and safety guidelines. The information about how these potential impacts will be addressed by Suhua is summarized in the paragraphs that follow. Further information is provided in the attached ESAP, which is agreed upon by IFC and Suhua and will address the compliance gaps with IFC’s requirements.1. Social and Environmental Assessment and Management Systems Land and natural environment: Suhua’s existing production site is approximately 4.1 million ㎡ in extent, located by the Grand Canal near a suburban area of Suzhou, which is approximately 100 km west of Shanghai. This site is surrounded by other industries and various communities. Suhua does not own the land right for this old site. The site is owned by Suzhou Industrial Investment & Development Co. (SGT). Suhua owns the land right for the 7.46 million ㎡ new production site, located inside a planned chemical industry park in Zhangjiagang, which is approximately 65 km north of Suzhou. Suhua plans to move all its chloro alkali and fine chemical operations to the new site in Zhangjiagang by the end of 2007. The area was formerly a mixed rural residential and cropping area. There are no longer any houses or farmland on Suhua’s new project site, but there are still some 160 houses inside the new industry park, which will all be relocated by the end of 2007. After that, the nearest community will be located approximately one km to the east of Suhua’s new site. According to various environmental impact assessments, there is no natural protected area or protected species at or near both sites. There are waste management facilities at or near the industry park in Zhangjiagang, including an industry wastewater treatment plant at the industry park, a licensed hazardous waste landfill with multiple impermeable liners and leachate collection system, and a licensed industry waste incinerator.Environmental and Social Assessment: Suhua hired external experts to conduct environmental impact assessments (EIAs) for various projects in the new site according to Chinese regulatory requirements. Upon an IFC requirement, Suhua also hired external consultants to conduct a Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) for those projects in the new site. EIAs and CIA indicate that Suhua’s operations will not have significant impacts on the surrounding environment and will meet the requirements of both local regulatory agencies and WBG/IFC if proposed mitigation methods are implemented properly. As indicated in the ESAP, Suhua will meet both Chinese regulatory requirements and IFC Performance Standards for all potential projects in the future.Environmental, health, and safety (EHS) management and organization: Suhua’s existing site in Suzhou is certified by ISO 9000, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001. During the application for these certifications, Suhua gradually set up its EHS management system. The EHS management system is effective in Suhua, and the management has a clear understanding of its EHS performance and potential risks. Suhua plans to apply for ISO 9000, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 certifications for its new site in late 2007.Training, monitoring, and reporting: Suhua has an established program to provide necessary training for all its employees in the field of EHS performances related to its operations, including training of new employees and monthly refresher courses. Suhua conducts routine EHS monitoring for its operations. Suhua keeps its environmental and social performance records, and distributes these data through its internal reporting structure. The Local Environmental Protection Bureau iscloses its monitoring data collected from Suhua.2. Labor and Working Conditions Human Resources Policy and Management: Suhua has a Human Resources and Personnel Management Division responsible for staff, including health, safety and training issues, and operates according to established company policies, procedures and standards. All employees are given a booklet summarizing these procedures. Each employee has access to their own record of employment and employment conditions, training and career development plan, which is updated annually upon review. Currently there are 459 employees at the new site and the total staff complement will eventually be 700-800 employees.Working Conditions: Under the new employment terms at the new site, workers are employed on 1-3 year contracts which are renewable subject to satisfactory performance and availability of work. At the existing site, employees who are within 10 years of the lawful retirement age are guaranteed employment until retirement. All employees work a standard 40 hour week. Overtime work is uncommon and is usually only associated with emergencies. Staffs receive time-off or cash compensation in lieu of any overtime work. Employees receive a basic salary and bonuses. The lowest basic salaries paid are at least 50% greater than government requirements for minimum wage payments.Worker’s Organization: There is an established workers union in Suhua, which represents approximately 90% of employees. Nine union representatives are elected by employees for five year terms according to the government labor code. The union is mainly concerned with occupational health issues and in providing assistance to employees. The union manages a grievance mechanism to address employee complaints and works closely with Suhua management to resolve these complaints.Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity: There is no discrimination in wage rates between male and female workers. Male: female employment ratio for the total workforce is 2:1. There is no child labor or forced labor. At the new site, preference is given to the employment of workers from nearby local communities and from those households that were relocated from the new industrial area.Retrenchment: The relocation of operations to the new site will involve some retrenchment of staff. Operations at the new site will, in many cases, require different sets of skills and many employees were not willing to relocate or to commute the extra distance. There is a plan in place to achieve retrenchment and to mitigate adverse impacts on existing employees, and this is being implemented in close conjunction with the social security division of the Suzhou Municipal Government. There is a high demand for workers in Suzhou and thus the company and Suzhou Municipal Government see few problems finding alternate employment for workers not transferring to the new site. In accordance with the ESAP, Suhua will monitor progress on retrenchment, with a special emphasis on any vulnerable employees.Occupational health and safety (OHS): Operational safety is highly emphasized by Suhua. There are effective OHS procedures and adequate personal protection equipment (PPE) for each position in Suhua. Suhua will review and improve the OHS procedures for some positions to better protect the workforce. Suhua will also ensure the rigorous implementation of these procedures, especially PPE procedures, during operations.There are routine OHS training programs, including monthly refresher courses for its employees. Safety awareness is among the top concerns for both management and operators. There have been no fatal or serious accidents in the operational history of Suhua after privatization. The monitored parameters for the workplace conditions meet both local regulatory requirements and good international industry practices. As indicated in the ESAP, Suhua will review/modify the OHS procedures to better protect the workforce and to start compiling more rigorous statistical data of OHS accidents.3. Pollution Prevention and Abatement Raw materials and resource consumption: Major raw material consumption in Suhua includes water (2.66million tpy), sea salt (200,000 tpy), calcium carbide (150,000 tpy), benzene (20,000 tpy), sulfur (120,000tpy), yellow phosphorus (7,000 tpy), phenol (5,000 tpy), and coal (173,000 tpy). The water is drawn from the nearby river. Suhua plans to build two 25 MW thermal power plants to supply electricity and steam, and the sulfuric acid plant could also provide up to 12 MW power. Currently, Suhua purchases additional 40,000 mkwh electricity from the grid, which mainly comes from local coal-based power plants. Suhua conducts periodic energy efficiency audits and has corporate-wide energy/water saving programs, which consists of reduction targets for each year which are monitored closely by management.Environmental Compliances: Suhua generates approximately 300 m3/d wastewater, which is discharged to wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the industrial park after onsite primary treatment. The monitored parameters in the wastewater effluents meet all the influent requirements of the WWTP. Suhua will monitor adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) in its effluent and take proper actions to reduce AOX concentration, if it exceeds WBG/IFC guideline limit, to avoid impacts to the proper operation of WWTP.The monitored parameters for air emissions from generators and various processes meet both regulatory requirements and the WBG/IFC guideline limits. The ambient noise and air quality levels meet local regulatory requirements, WBG/IFC guideline limits, and good international industry practices. In accordance with the ESAP, Suhua will start monitoring NOx emissions from its power plant and take proper actions to reduce NOx concentration, if it exceeds either local regulatory requirement or WBG/IFC guideline limit.Solid and hazardous wastes: The household solid wastes generated in Suhua are picked up by municipal contractors. Suhua generates significant amounts of industrial solid wastes from production processes, including calcium carbide slag (158,000 tpy), coal slag (28,000 tpy), salt sludge (2,000 tpy), etc. Calcium carbide slag and coal slag are sold for construction material manufacturing plants. Salt sludge is either shipped to licensed landfill for disposal, or sold together with calcium carbide slag for manufacturing of construction materials.The major hazardous wastes generated onsite include waste catalysts, residual distillation bottoms, waste sulfur slag, and waste phosphorus slag. Waste catalysts are recycled by manufacturers, and heavy residual bottoms are sold to a licensed recycler for further processing. The waste sulfur and phosphorus slag is sent to the licensed industrial waste incinerator for disposal.Hazardous materials and operation hazard: Suhua’s raw materials, intermediate products, and products comprise significant amounts of hazardous materials. The manufacturing, storage, handling, and transportation of these materials could pose serious dangers to the employees and nearby communities. Suhua has reviewed all its safety procedures and equipment for the new site. Automatic monitoring and alarm systems were installed at all critical process points for all hazardous gas, and automatic monitoring sensors for chlorine are also installed along the property lines.Suhua contracted external experts to train its engineers to conduct hazard operability (HAZOP) studies. Both qualitative and quantitative HAZOP studies are prepared for all the processes by its engineers and external experts. There are no underground storage tanks at Suhua. All the above-ground storage tanks meet the requirements of good international industry practices. Suhua has a contract with external consultants to audit its EHS management system each year. As indicated in the ESAP, Suhua will include a comprehensive EHS audit in one of these routine audits six months after all the processes at the new site are put into operation.Fire prevention and emergency response (ER): There is adequate fire fighting equipment onsite with proper maintenance. Suhua has its own fulltime fire fighting team, which is also in charge of safety equipment maintenance and safety operation inspection. The external fire trucks and ambulance from the industry park fire brigade could reach the site in five to ten minutes. Suhua conducts routine drills for fire fighting and potential chemical explosion/releases, including the joint drills with the local fire brigade and communities. In accordance with the ESAP, Suhua will provide material safety data sheets (MSDS) of its hazardous materials to the local hospitals and involve the hospitals in the joint fire fighting and ER drills.Greenhouse Gases (GHG): Suhua generates approximately 730,000 ton carbon dioxide equivalence GHG per year, which comes from onsite thermal power plants and electricity purchase from the grid. Suhua periodically conducts energy efficiency audits, and has programs/procedures to reduce energy consumption, which will reduce GHG emissions as a result.Potential Remediation and Redevelopment of Old Site: The land owner of Suhua’s old site, SGT, will be the sole responsible party for the potential remediation and redevelopment of the old site. In accordance with the ESAP, Suhua will provide the necessary background information upon request by SGT during the potential remediation. Suhua will also hire consultants, experienced in soil/groundwater remediation and brownfield redevelopment, to help SGT review the potential remediation plan and land redevelopment plan, and to provide valuable input to maximize the remediation effectiveness and minimize the potential residual impacts of contamination of the redeveloped land based on its future usage. The experienced consultants will also provide remediation and redevelopment training for local environmental protection bureaus and local environmental consultants.Vinyl Chloride Monomer Manufacturing: Suhua uses the calcium carbide / acetylene route to manufacturing vinyl chloride monomer (VCM). The acetylene route for VCM manufacture does not generate dioxins/furans. Suhua purchases calcium carbide from western part of China. As indicated in the ESAP, Suhua will include the energy efficiency and environmental controls in its purchase criteria. If possible, Suhua will only purchase calcium carbide from manufacturers that meet Chinese environmental requirements.4. Community Health, Safety, and Security Community health, safety and security: There are still 160 scattered houses inside the proposed chemical industry park, which are to the north of Suhua’s Zhangjiagang site. These scattered houses will be relocated by the end of 2007. Once the chemical industry park is fully established, the nearest community residences will be approximately one km east of Suhua’s new site. The routine operations at Suhua do not have significant impacts on the nearby communities. However, in an extreme scenario, such as large scale chlorine leak, there are potentially significant impacts to these communities. The majority of the raw materials and products are transported by barges or trucks to and from the site. To protect the water environment, Suhua only transport non-hazardous raw materials and products through the canal system in the region. The conditions of roads are good. However, roads traverse some communities at certain sections, which increase the risk of significant impacts to the communities in the case of serious accidents.Emergency preparedness and response: Suhua has ER plans available and conducts routine drills for fire fighting and potential chemical explosion/releases together with local fire department and community onsite. As indicated in the ESAP, Suhua will conduct joint offsite fire fighting and ER drills for its hazardous material transportation together with local fire department, hospital, and communities, and provide necessary ER training for the nearby communities. Suhua will only contract with transportation companies that have defensive driving programs, acceptable safe driving records, and sufficient emergency response methods for the hazardous material transportations.Security personnel: Suhua hires an external agency for Zhangjiagang site security. The contracted security personnel conduct routine ID checks at the gates and security monitoring. The security personnel do not have any weapons. For serious security issues, Suhua reports directly to the local police station.5. Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement Land Acquisition, Resettlement, and Compensation: A total of approximately 150 households were resettled from the Suhua new project site in Zhangjiagang to suburbs of nearby Le Yu town. This resettlement was fully completed in 2006. Resettlement is being undertaken by the Jiangsu local government authorities according to a well known established land acquisition procedure, and payments to individuals are recorded properly. The quality of the new residences in Le Yu town is considerably better than the former rural residences, and households now have improved access to facilities and amenities.Land use in the area formerly consisted of mixed rural residential areas and small scale cropping activities.A comprehensive well defined compensation and benefit package for displaced households and individuals includes: a land use rights compensation fee; lost crop compensation; a one off lump sum per individual (only for males under 45 and females under 35); a stipend for life for males over 45 and females over 35 (including provision for inflation); compensation of RMB 500 Yuan per sq.m for residential buildings; additional compensation for households and individuals identified as being vulnerable; and medical insurance for individuals paid for by the local government.Individuals have largely retained their former jobs, and many are now living nearer the jobs they hold in Le Yu town. The stipend that males over 45 and females over 35 receive is significantly greater (2-3 times) than previous income received from farming. The government agency responsible for resettlement has also provided educational opportunities, training and job opportunities for those displaced persons seeking new employment (mainly younger people)Grievance Mechanism: As part of the land acquisition and resettlement process there is an established grievance mechanism, and households have recourse to the courts should grievances not be satisfactorily resolved through this grievance mechanism. It was reported that there were very few grievances and all these had been resolved without recourse to the courts. Interviews with some relocated household members verified that they did not foresee any problems with maintaining their livelihood standards and that they felt that the houses, facilities and opportunities were better in the new suburban locations. In accordance with ESAP, Suhua will include the relevant information concerning the land acquisition process and resettlement in the annual monitoring report, especially for any on going measures to assist identified vulnerable households to re-establish their homes and livelihoods.Client’s Community Engagement: Suhua does not have a formal community development plan, but works with local authorities to identify possible projects with local government authorities. At the new site Suhua contributed to construction costs of: the new fire station in Le Yu town (RMB 1.2 million Yuan - 10% of cost); community roads; a new high school in Le Yu Town and provision of training programs for high school students. Suhua also provides steam from its operations to other factories in the chemical park for heating. This is an important benefit since it obviates the need for other factories in the chemical park for heating requirements. Suhua has established assistance programs for the handicapped (including the deaf); a fund for the poor (charitable donations); and an education fund has been established for scholarships for employees children.Suhua has contact with local communities on an irregular basis, mainly through the local town council. On average Suhua meets with communities once a month, mainly about emergency response and health and safety issues. Any complaints or grievances can be made to the local government hotline (12365), industrial park management committee, or to Suhua directly. Upon IFC request, Suhua held its first formal public consultation meeting in June 2007. As stated in the ESAP, Suhua is committed to conduct on-going public consultation once a year or under special circumstances.As suggested by IFC, Suhua will disclose some of its environmental and social performance information at the company website. Suhua will disclose the Chinese version of this document at its website. Please contact the following for inquiries or concerns about the environmental and social impacts of this project.Mr. Jingxian Xu Jiangsu Suhua Group 1 Nanmen Rd. Suzhou, China 215007 Tel:86-512-6525-1605 ext. 459 or 86-512-5863-2115 Fax:86-512-6525-1980 返回目录>> 

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